Well… Where to start? We’ve been in the news a LOT recently thanks in large part to our new celeb benefactor Russell Ira Crowe! Who’d have thought our crowdfunder would have taken off like it has and you can imagine how delighted we are to have absolutely smashed our target! (last count we are at £22,380, £7,380 above our target! We thought our target was hopeful (but absolutely what we needed to keep the doors open) so to know we have even more breathing space is a wonderous thing. The extra money will be ploughed into providing access to books for children as far and wide as we can reach.
I wanted to keep a bit of a record of some of the news stories past and present that we have featured in. One of the best things to have come out of the last 3 weeks has been that the worlds media has taken to our story as a good news story and that is just the loveliest thing to be. The world needs good news right now.
Not sure I’ll be able to keep this in chronological order but working backwards here’s the stories we’ve seen so far. People keep telling us they saw it on x website / TV / Radio and it’s been an impossible task to keep up so if you’ve seen it in other places please do send us a link!
CBS News:
Just in and potentially the last of our media frenzy since the Crowdfinder is now over!
International! We love how this story spread far and wide. MalayMail and Indian Express!
We have featured in a few short pieces for BBC news and were due to be on national breakfast TV but the escalation in tension in Ukraine bumped us off the schedule. Here’s a couple of the internet articles
EDP and Evening News
Our local newspapers have always been very supportive our our antics and they were the 1st to break the story of the Russell Crowe donation which we were delighted about!
…and they featured us again when we appeared on Australian Quiz show “Have you been paying attention”
Goodnews_movement shared this with their 4.4 million instagram followers!
Sky news interviewed Leanne and really did the story justice:
ITV came and filmed in the shop for an afternoon. I can’t find the video but here is a piece on their website:
Australian TV REALLY loved the story. We appeared on The Today Show, Studio10 AND we were a quiz question!
That’s TV East:
Just fabulous, cheering news, the shop is one of the best things to happen to Norwich since opening, bravo Leanne and Dan!!
Thank you John. We couldn’t have done it without support of wonderful people like yourself xx